After writing the first draft for a year, paolini spent a second year rewriting and fleshing out the story and characters. Whisked away from his comfortable, unambitious life in his hobbit hole. That is why you are reading it in high school or college. The hobbit jrr tolkienlord of the ringsgoblinmiddletextsthe unitcolourbooks. In other words, it tells potential readers everything youve written in your 100,000 word book except the ending. When you compare the blurb he wrote to the thoughtless or ironic mailedin blurbs of today one on the latest unputdownable book of 20, the best book i have read this century, springs to mind it is at once clear how literate, how learned, how thoughtful, and. The hobbit tells a fantastic story of adventure, danger, friendship, and courage, and serves as a prequel to the even more immersive and epic book series, the lord of the rings.
Aug 29, 20 the hobbit is the unforgettable story of bilbo, a peaceloving hobbit, who embarks on a strange and magical adventure. In any event, the hobbit is not too challenging in terms of writing, and there is enough action and adventure with little in the way of dry, dusty passages which can appear in lotr. Book summary bilbo declines, reluctant to leave the safety and comfort of his hobbit hole. The hobbit and the lord of the rings and millions of other books are available for amazon kindle. Halfway throughout the journey, bilbo embarks upon a magic golden ring, which he stole, or earned from gollum. The lore states that the hobbit was written as a story by tolkien for his children, but it is unclear if he intended them to read it themselves or be read to. Before bilbo is really able to improve upon the situation, gandalf has invited himself to tea and when he arrives, he comes with a company of dwarves led by thorin. Id like to say, the hobbit did not need to be three movies, and while they arent bad, the book was better.
Bilbo baggins enjoys a quiet and contented life, with no desire to travel far from the comforts of home. How to successfully write a blurb writing blurbs can be considered the ultimate challenge. The next part is a trilogy called lord of the rings. Sell your book in the blurb bookstore, through amazon, or in the global retail network of over 38,000 retailers, libraries, and schools. In fact, azog is supposed to be dead from the start. The hobbit is the unforgettable story of bilbo, a peaceloving hobbit, who embarks on a strange and magical adventure. Bilbo lives in a hole because he is a hobbitone of a race of small, plump people about half the size of humans, with furry toes and a great love of good food and drink. Bilbo baggins is a hobbit a mythological creature invented by tolkien who lives in a large and comfortable hobbit hole. Professor tolkien has a passion for languages, real or not, and this tends to be shown in his work. He learns the value of adventuring and of course returns home the greater for having gone of this journey, bringing back with him, not only treasure but a magic ring of invisibility.
Hobbit heartache is my first novel, often described as confusingly erotic. The back cover for this exact blurb was not available. This is however a minor flaw, as well as an advantage. Top ten differences between the hobbit book and films. If you want a profound understanding of what inspired jrr tolkien to write the hobbit and the lord of the rings, you should look elsewhere. It also shows how undertaking different experiences allow people to grow in ways they did not think possible. Tolkiens literary masterpiece the classic prequel to the lord of the rings series which has been translated into 26 languages and has sold over 75 million copies worldwide ships today, announced vivendi universal games vu games. But they are great stories, which is why i loved the lord of the rings movies and why i really enjoyed reading the hobbit graphic novel its still tolkiens words, but theyve been stripped back to the core of the tale, which is a great adventurequest, and it speeds along. A great modern classic and the prelude to the lord of the rings.
The first is the hobbit then the next three books is actually considered only one book. Produced by the awardwinning filmmakers who brought you the dork of the rings and harvey. Soon elrond calls a council of the representatives of elves, men, and dwarves to respond to the growing darkness in the world. Making of the throbbit by timothy alan richardson blurb. I jumped at the chance to reread the giver, as well as the opportunity to finally watch the film, which id been wanting to see for quite some time. The fellowship of the ring tells about the young hobbit s adventure to protect the ring at any cost. When a wizard arrives on his doorstep with dwarves, he invites them all in for tea. The hobbit is a great readaloud for parents to share with children just as tolkien shared the book with his children. Youve finished a fulllength storynow write a brief statement that encapsulates your tale in a few paragraphs, using language that will entice, interest, and intrigue a wouldbe reader. Since i seem to have become the resident tolkien authority here at noe, i was asked for my thoughts on the matter. Bilbo declines, reluctant to leave the safety and comfort of his hobbit hole.
Lewis famously called the book a marvellous classicinthemaking, and the new york times called it freshly original and delightfully imaginative. Tolkiens many excellent books, the hobbit is the better choice for tweens. A blurb is a succinct summary of the book, one that communicates the essence of who the main characters are, what they want and what is preventing them from getting it. Bilbo is quite content at bag end, near the bustling hobbit village of hobbiton, but one day his comfort is shattered by the arrival of the old wizard gandalf, who. Lewis famously called the book a marvellous classicinthe. Enter your mobile number or email address below and well send you a link to download the free kindle app. Find making of the throbbit by timothy alan richardson at blurb books. The next day, he is visited by dwarves who believe bilbo can be of use to them in their journey to the lonely mountain to reclaim their ancestral treasure, now in the possession of smaug the dragon. The hobbit is the story of bilbos maturing from a seeker of warmth and comforts to a fighter, however humble, for the greater good. The idea was brought up that the hobbit is a childrens book, but the hobbit movies are decidedly not childrens movies, and therefore ruined the story in some way. It was published on 21 september 1937 to wide critical. The hobbit is the story of bilbo and his adventures across the land of middle earth, in the company of thorin oakenshield and his dwarven followers on a quest to reclaim their treasure hoarde inside their citadel under the lonely mountain. Differences between jrr tolkiens novel and peter jacksons movie trilogy.
The book sizes and dimensions listed on this page and throughout most of our site are rounded measurements. Since its first publication in 1937 it has remained in print to delight each new generation of readers all over the world, and its hero, bilbo baggins, has taken his place among the ranks of the immortals of fiction. Then you can start reading kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer no kindle device required. R tolkien that takes place in the fictional world of middle earth, which is the setting of most of the authors works.
Frodo wakes in rivendell, where the wise elrond has worked his healing magic to save the hobbit. The book remains popular and is recognized as a classic in childrens literature. The hobbit is a timeless classic, which is a tale of bilbo baggins, the wizard gandalf, gollum, and the spectacular world of middleearth recounts of the adventures of a reluctant hero, a powerful and dangerous ring, and the cruel dragon smaug the magnificent. It was published on 21 september 1937 to wide critical acclaim, being nominated for the carnegie medal and awarded a prize from the new york herald tribune for best juvenile fiction. The hobbit is popular with middle school readers, as well as teens and adults. Tolkiens childrens adventure story would later become the natural prequel to his masterpiece the lord of the rings and the two works have become some what intertwined. The hobbit was adapted in various forms, notably as an animated television movie 1977 and as a series of liveaction films 2012, 20 helmed by new zealand director peter jackson. The book is packed with highinterest, page turning material. A well mannered hobbit named bilbo baggins, embarks upon a journey to take back a kingdom, and a very important jewel,with twelve dwarves, and a wizard named gandalf the grey. The lord of the rings, and this is supposed to be the sequel to the hobbit from what i have gathered. T he book thief tells the story of liesel, a little girl who is taken to a new home because her mother cant afford to take care of her. Bilbos adventure takes him face to face with trolls, goblins, a riddling creature named gollum, elves and of course the dragon.
Bilbo baggins is a hobbit who enjoys a comfortable, unambitious life, rarely traveling any farther. The hobbit is a book full of adventure, but it also has an underlying theme of perseverance and how former foes can work together to defeat a common enemy. On his 111th birthday he gives it to his cousin frodo. The lord of the rings a universal and allembracing tale, a justly celebrated classic. The hobbit recounts the journey of bilbo baggins, especially his encounter with gollum and earning the ring. Approached out of the blue by the wizard gandalf the. The hobbit is a great book in the marvellous world of tolkiens bestrecieved trilogy, it tends, however, to be a slow read due to the language used. In the story, bilbo saves the dwarves from many dangers, succeeding. The book opens with a brief description of hobbits, given in the clever tones of the omniscient narrator, who often speaks directly to the reader. Get an answer for what is a short summary of the hobbit. Seldom has any book been so widely read and loved as j. The hobbit became written first and is larger of an adventure tale. There are a host of fantastical characters elves, wizards, ents, orcs etc. Bilbo, a hobbit, is sent with a group of thirteen dwarves to recover the vast treasure that was stolen by the evil dragon smaug.
There are also morals interlaced with adventure and consequences throughout. Read the hobbit absolutely for free at readanybook. Sauron, the dark lord, has gathered to him all the rings of power, the means by which he intends to rule middleearth. Bilbo baggins is a small and hairy hobbit, who lives in his comfortable hobbithole in bagend. The hobbit, or there and back again is a childrens fantasy novel by english author j. The three parts tell the story of frodo, a hobbit, who embarks on a quest with friends to destroy the one ring, the source of the power of the dark lord sauron, and thus defeat the forces of evil. These sizes are only guidelines to approximate sizing, and should not be used in order to design an actual book or magazine. The book remains popular and is recognized as a classic in.
Dec 06, 2012 a good case can be made that the hobbit is a better and more satisfying read than its gargantuan successor, the lord of the rings. The hobbit, or there and back again is a fantasy novel by english author j. This book contains 107 beautiful fine art nudes of a favorite muse. Hobbits, a race of small humanlike creatures, characteristically value peace, simplicity.
As with many classics, there are several versions of the hobbit on the market. While the lord of the rings was targeted at a much older audience, i think that the hobbit appeals more to younger people. Being at the same level as the lord of the rings is no mean feat, but this book manages it with ease. For the record i was 910 when i first read the hobbit id already read the narnia books at 7 and 8, and i read the lord of the rings almost right after although, that took me a couple of months or so.
Sep 21, 2017 w hen the first edition of the hobbit. R tolkien this blurb shows a clear blurb with text. Now, the book by which all other fantasy adventures must be measured has come to life as the ultimate computer program. Paolini, born in 1983, wrote the novel while still in his teens. Tolkiens childrens adventure story would later become the natural prequel to his masterpiece the lord of the rings and the two works. The hobbit cliffsnotes study guides book summaries, test.
It is one of the few books which completely absorbs you into the story and makes you wish you lived in the land of the hobbit. A long time ago in the ancient times, the rings of power were crafted by the elvensmiths and sauron the dark lord. I have noticed that recently some abridged versions. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the one ring, the ring that rules them all, which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit, bilbo. If you care for journeys there and back, out of the comfortable western world, over the edge of the wild, and home again, and can take an. The hobbit cliffsnotes study guides book summaries. He enjoys a peaceful and pastoral life but his life is interrupted by a surprise visit by the wizard gandalf. As bilbo, the reluctant hobbit, you suddenly find yourself on a wonderful, frightening, magical journey. Tolkiens own children, the hobbit met with instant critical acclaim when it. Standard book sizes, dimension, and specifications blurb. Tolkien from someone who is new to this series this is the complete book set. I consider my real passion to be young adult novels and will be working on a decidedly unerotic one as my next project. Book summary chapter 1 opens as the wizard gandalf visits the hobbit bilbo baggins and invites him to join in an adventure.
Mar 30, 2009 the hobbit became written first and is larger of an adventure tale. Tolkien author seems to think sometimes that when evil is destroyed it just pops up somewhere else. This book is meant for kids, but has a lot of adult themes. Sell one copy at a time and let blurb fulfill the orders or place a large order and sell inperson. Little does he know that they are to take him on the biggest adventure of. Tolkien the hobbit, or there and back again is a fantasy novel by english author j. The american radio theatre company the minds eye produced an audio adaptation of the hobbit which was released on six onehour audio cassettes in 1979 rob inglis performed the only unabridged audiobook edition of the hobbit, for recorded books in 1991.
Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat. I dont really remember these guys from the book, to be honest. Childrens book blurbs geo ashton a blog for aspiring. The lord of the rings cliffsnotes study guides book. The hobbit is the story of bilbo and his adventures across the land of middle earth, in the company of thorin oakenshield and his dwarven followers on a quest to reclaim their treasure hoarde inside their citadel under the lonely mountain, which is being guarded by the great dragon smaug. Jul 18, 20 t his book has got to be one of the greatest books i have ever read. The story takes place as bilbo is visited by gandalf and a company of thirteen dwarfs who have a plan to steal back the treasure that was stolen from them by smaug, a dragon who now lives at the lonely mountain.
It contains original music composed by inglis and music written by tolkien himself, and claudia howard of recorded books. The hobbit middleearth universe the timeless classic presented in the standard hardcover edition using the authors original jacket design. The novel introduced tolkiens richly imagined world of middle earth in its third age and served as a prologue to his the lord of the rings. Tolkien is a great book to introduce the fantasy genre. While tolkien gives some insights into his creative mind when it comes to whole new languages, its essentially a tale of heartache and love. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Find hobbiton, the shire, middle earth matamata, new zealand by leen labeeuw at blurb books. I never read the book again as a teenager, but for this week, my resources for young adults professor asked us to read a ya book that has been adapted into a film, and then watch the film adaptation. He made the one ring its power it great, but the ring was taken away from him. Now you can enter into one of the most incredible fantasy adventures the world has ever known. Bilbo baggins lives a quiet, peaceful life in his comfortable hole at bag end.
Nov 11, 2016 the back cover for this exact blurb was not available. Bilbo is quite content at bag end, near the bustling hobbit village of hobbiton, but one day. Nov 07, 20 buy the hobbit film tiein edition by tolkien, j. Create, print, and sell professionalquality photo books blurb. Im frequently asked if ill be writing more erotic fiction, and sadly, the answer is no. Bilbo baggins is swept into a quest to reclaim the lost dwarf kingdom of erebor from the fearsome dragon smaug. The lord of the jewellery, even in spite of the reality that besides the undeniable fact that an adventure, is an epic and has greater beneficial storyline, emotion and meaning interior the returned of it. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Bilbo is quite content at bag end, near the bustling hobbit village of hobbiton, but one day his comfort is shattered by the arrival of the old wizard gandalf. The hobbit is the story of bilbo baggins, a hobbit who lives in hobbiton. Can someone please give me a blurb for the book the hobbit. A reluctant hobbit, bilbo baggins, sets out to the lonely mountain with a spirited group of dwarves to reclaim their mountain home, and the gold within it from the dragon smaug.
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